Senin, 16 Mei 2016


                                                                MOTHER'S DAY

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Excelency for headmaster of SMP Englishindo, all teachers and administrative staff of SMP Englishindo and all my friends whom I love.

Before I start giving speeches, I would like to invite you to thank Almighty God, who has given us grace and blessing, so that we can meet together in place of this blessing. May peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad who the last messanger in this world.

Ladies and gentlemen

I'm standing in front of you all to give a speech about "the meaning/definition of the mother". Mom is the woman that always surrounds our days with love, prayer, sacrifice, and tears. He was also a hero for life, such as the song "as the sun shines in the world" She also took care of us with sincere.

Ladies and gentlemen

Imagine! If none of the affection of mother we have in this world. Only with mother love is willing to sacrifice their lives to bore us. We have to love our mother more than anyone we care about. If one day, we should not obey to our parents, especially our mother, we must strive to reply to all of the services that they have done for us. You can ignore any order to see us come out of the womb. Mom ... sorry we were not able to provide the best, just as we accepted in as a child. A big thank from you is not enough to pay for your mind to it, we can only kneel and beg forgiveness on his knees at the foot because that's where heaven lies. We will not be able to enjoy a decent life without your struggles and sacrifices for the mother.

We’ve had a lot of time and the ability to take control. Sometimes it exceeds the ability of human life and well as long as not counted a mistake and one which we have done against the mother. Forgive, forgive your children on all errors, wrong is done to your mother, give your child a peaceful life with sincere prayers and Holy Mother.
Mom I promise I will try to reply to all your services.

Ladies and gentlemen

As human being, I realize that I can’t avoid the mistakes, so I apologize to you all. And I don’t forget to say thanks so much for your nice attention.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

pidato bahasa Inggris hari ibu 22 desember
Kasih Sayang Ibu Tak Terbatas

                                                      INDONESIAN LIBERATION

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Let us praise and Thanks to Almighty God. Who has bestowed grace and guidance to all of us, so, we can gather in this room in healthy. I have to thank you for the opportunity given to me to deliver a speech with the theme the role of the younger generation in the independence of Indonesia.
The happy audience

Today we are celebrating our independence day. Did you know 70 years ago before we fought at the expense of people and their possessions to repel the invaders from our land? They struggle with very bold in seizing and defending the independence of our country from the hands with raised arms and amidst a hail of lead. All of that is done for one reason and that is to our nation's independence.

The happy audience

The independence that we have been able to at this time does not mean that our struggle has been completed. Precisely at this time, we should strive to maintain and replenish the independence of Indonesia. We are as a nation of Indonesia, particularly the younger generation has a very important role for the progress and peace of our country. This is because the younger generation is the spearhead of our current struggle. However, the fact that the younger generation now mostly being individualism, being hedonism and had a low of nationalism's soul. Obviously this is a huge problem for our nation, what will become our nation of this generation are losing the values a noble character, spirit to live together, help each other and between each other.

The happy audience

With a high spirit of nationalism, as young generation, we can continue the struggle of the heroes that have been credited to us. If they used to be fought with weapons, we struggle with books and stationery to fight for the people of Indonesia. We should be always optimistic and always eager to provide the best for our beloved homeland. So we can make it work and learn, progressing as well as the nation's name and fill out the scent of Indonesia independence with as well.  The spirit of nationalism and patriotism is high within us.

The happy audience,

As human being, I realize that I can’t avoid the mistakes, so I apologize to you all. And I don’t forget to say thanks so much for your nice attention.

Long live my Indonesia!

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

pidato bahasa inggris hari kemerdekaan indonesia
Upacara Kemerdekaan (c) Wikipedia

                                                      HERO'S DAY OF INDONESIA

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

First of all let’s pray and thanks unto our God who has given us mercies and blessings. So we can attend in this program without any trouble and obstacles.

In this good opportunity, I would like to deliver a speech titled "Heroes Day".

The aim of this speech reminds us that heroism, patriotism and nationalism that are very important in the development of our country. Without those attitudes, it is impossible for us to make us survive in the country. As the Indonesian nation, we must know the history of the national struggle and twists, to get rid of the invaders who ruled Indonesia. It seems this struggle feels very heavy, because life is at stake.

Children of brothers and sisters, who are Indonesian citizens

Every 10 November, Indonesian people must remember the past again the destiny of our nation. We recall the heroes fight. They prefer they shed upon our nation, which is seizing a victory for homeland Indonesia who mastered the invaders. Taken on the hero’s battle in Surabaya, This war faced against Dutch and Allied troops because of the struggle to get Indonesia independence. The height of the fight is in November 1945. The battle was the heaviest single battle of the revolution and became a national symbol of Indonesian resistance. The heroic effort of the Indonesians battle helped our people to get international support for the independence of Indonesia. In the battle, November 10th is celebrated annually as hero’s day.

The battle of Surabaya was one of the fights going on in our country through the situation of the independence of Indonesia. Other people did from all over the region in Indonesia a similar thing. Our people fought against the colonial powers to maintain our independence. Our people struggled to build a free country. They sacrificed everything, including blood and lives.

Brother and sister

In a very bright of this morning, let us stretch our hands begging for God. We hope we are all fighters getting a happy. We hope to God Always gives spiritual and material strength of our leaders who are too harsh on the prosperity of its people. We hope that the Indonesian nation gets glorious, peaceful, quiet, safe and quiet. We hope that the Indonesian people are protected from damage. We hope that God is always with the struggle of our leaders and retaliation from the righteous with the manifold reward in the afterlife.

That’s all my speech, may what I have delivered be useful in our life. If you found many mistakes in my speech please forgive me.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

contoh pidato bahasa inggris hari pahlawan
Bung Tomo, Pahlawan Nasional

                                                                WOMAN'S DAY
This day, all women in the world celebrate Women’s Day. Women's Day is a day to honor women's struggle for change, to remember the progress, which has been made towards improvement of life quality of women. It is the day for confirming our commitment to the work towards the freedom of women.

As we celebrate the Women 's Day, we admit that we still have a long way to go to achieve full emancipation of women from the hardships they have experience because of their race, gender and social class.

There are many rural women having the most difficulty in accessing education, health and other basic services. They were the ones who had to go into the bushes and collect woods for families with no electricity. They literary kept the fire burning and kept families together while many rural men were in urban areas. Some women still face these challenges in their everyday life. Unfortunately, this major contribution made by women and rural women in particular has never been and is still not being valued or appreciated.

Migration is another major factor that has exposed women to several challenges including HIV and AIDS. Single sex hostels broke down the families and indirectly encouraged men to have "urban partners" while occasionally returning to their families and wives in the rural areas. Of course, this led to a spread of disease and sexually transmitted infections including HIV.

Sexual violence against women and girls and rape are issues that remain a challenge in our society. Poverty and poor living conditions have added to women's vulnerability to violence and increased risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections. The physical trauma of violence and sexual assault have left scars and unimaginable emotional damage on many women.

We need to ask whether: "Are things getting better for rural women in this country, or are they getting worse, or are they staying the same?"
If things are getting worse, as a patriotic citizen of this country I ask why are they getting worse and what is it that I as an individual and part of a collective can do to address them?

If they are getting better, another question arises as to whether are they getting better fast enough for women who have been subjected to oppression for hundreds of years?

As a society we are all battling to come to terms with high level of violence and to deal with it. We know that the brutality of the previous regime, and the violence used against our people, has seriously affected all of us including our children.

The other major factor is that, although we still have a long way to go, our criminal justice system is improving. This has increased the reporting of cases because our people know that there is now more possibility of seeing justice being done.

Other things have improved for women in SA, including for rural women, but we still have a long way to go in reaching our targets.
Free health care for pregnant women and for children under 6 years, was a major achievement. In many communities, the poorest women who in the past had not come nor brought their children to a clinic, started to visit health facilities. Women started to book earlier at antenatal clinics and therefore, increasing the chances of safe pregnancy and delivery.

We need to encourage our women to utilize family planning services in order to prevent unwanted pregnancies and when they decide to get pregnant, to use the free antenatal care services available.

I know that conditions for rural women are still difficult and that we still have a long way to go to achieve a truly healthy society. But the most important thing is that we should support all good decisions of Government who wants to help our life, especially women’s destiny to make significant progress.

We should believe that true liberation comes with socio-economic and gender emancipation. And unless we can push back the frontiers of poverty, most of the democratic advances that have been made will be in vain.

Let us stand together and assist each other in achieving our goal of a better life for all.
Thank you.
                                                                KARTINI'S DAY
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
On this morning, First of all, let’s pray and thanks unto our god Allah who has been giving us some mercies and blessings so we can attend and gather in this place in good condition and happy situation.
Fathers and mothers
Today we celebrate the Kartini’s day. And then  what should we do?

In my opinion, Kartini’s day celebration not only means that we have to wear traditional clothes. The most important thing we have to remember about the struggle against of women discrimination. Kartini’s day also means that we cannot take for granted and the idea of equality between men and women. However, there are natural differences women and men. Kartini’s day should be an inspiration for women to get the same rights as women, education and accomplishment.
The name of Kartini is not taken from foreign anymore. Even, this life has carved out a position, especially mothers in the position. The position of teenage girls and young women reflects our ideals of Kartini. As a woman who will not leave nature as women, it appears that the seat is the same with a fellow warrior nation. Indonesia is able to develop itsself as a fighter who doesn't want to say against one.
The psychology of women reflects the majesty of Kartini's aspiration directly. This situation also explains how human rights in Indonesia. In addition, the right women establish themselves and build a homeland of Indonesia. It is not exaggerating when she says that she is now able to speak on equal terms with men. Even in the village, we have many women who stood taller than most men. This shows that our nation's foremost women already realized the importance of the role and capacities of women in maintaining the life of the nation.
We always celebrate Kartini’s day each year. But you should allow that we currently only displays a warning and copyright for females. But more than that, we hope that every day, every woman Indonesia, continue to fight and build a picture, as a fragrance in the country. We hope may God continue to bless us particularly Indonesia and the nation State in enforcement. We hope that the women flourished, grew up in maintaining the name of the nation and the State and society, and do not forget may remain in keeping the family name.  That’s all my speech, may what I have delivered be useful in our life. If you found many mistakes in my speech please forgive me. Then the last I say
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
contoh pidato bahasa inggris hari kartini 21 april
Foto RA Kartini Bertandatangan (c) Wikipedia

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