Jumat, 20 Mei 2016

Effectiveness of Story Face Strategy on Students’ Comprehension in Reading Narrative Text at Class XI of SMAN 2 Koto XI Tarusan

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First, I would like to express my thanks to the Almight God who has given the writer mercy, strength and opportunities in finishing this thesis. I also would like to send “sholawat” to the great prophet Muhammad SAW, “the usmatun Hasanah” for all moslem. The title of the thesis is “The Effectiveness of Story Face Strategy on Students’ Comprehension in Reading Narrative Text at Class XI of SMAN 2 Koto XI Tarusan”. This thesis is written to fulfill one of the requirements to obtain undergraduate degree (S1) from the program study of English in tadris department of IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang.
In writing this thesis, I have received much help and support from many people. Therefore in this occasion, I would like to deliver my deepest appreciation to:
1.      The researcher expressed special and invaluable thankfulness for, my beloved father Mahmuddin A.Ma and my beloved Masitah who give me alound of love, motivation, pray and great support to pass this study.
And for my beloved sisters and brother, Mas Murni, Maydi Azhar S.Pd and young Brother M. Jaya M, who always company me in any situation and always give me their support.
2.      Mrs. Dr. Martin Kustati, M.Pd, as first supervisor and as a chairwoman of English Prodi of Tarbiyah, and Mr. Hidayat Al-Azmi, M.Pd as the second advisor and as secretary English Prodi of Tarbiyah. Thanks for his propessional helps, valuable sugestion, commands, and times to supports me in finishing this thesis, you are is my parent at Faculty.
3.      For my best friends’ (Nisfa Rahmi, Suci Ramadhani, Dewi Kumala Sutra, Yatimi Kurnia Sari and Zhusyahroini) and  my young sister at boarding house (Wikel, Ii, Jupe, Af, Weni, Tati, Iram, Hamni)  thanks for your motivation.

4.      Prof. Dr. Duski Samad M.Ag, as a dean of Tarbiyah Faculty IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang.
5.      All of lecturers of IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang special to Tarbiyah and Adab Faculty who have given their knowledge which are really useful in facing my future.
6.      The second year students’ of Senior High School SMAN 2 Koto XI Tarusan who have given their time in occupation in doing this research.
At last, the research realized that thesis is not perfect as the readers’ expectations; the researcher needs critics and sugestions from the readers in order thet thesis is more useful.
Padang,   Maret 2013
The Reseacher,



MUNASTI   406.625       The Effectiveness of Story Face Strategy on Students’ Comprehension in Reading Narrative Text at Class XI of SMAN 2 Koto XI Tarusan

Advisor:          1) Dr. Martin Kustati. M.Pd
2) Hidayat Al Azmi. M.Pd

Reading is one of the essential skills that must be possessed by a student, because by reading the students can expand their knowledge or insight. Many students who are lazy to read the literature in the form of narratives or tales as they are difficult to understand about the content of the material as well as the elements contained. To the research will introduce a reading strategy for Senior High School students by using Face Story, in which students will quickly understand the structure of narrative text in a short time.
The purpose of this research was to prove whether story face strategy was effective to help students in comprehending narrative text. Story face strategy was hoped could help students in comprehending narrative text.
The researcher applied this strategy at SMAN 2 Koto XI Tarusan. The research method was pre experiment. The population of this research was all of students in eleventh grade, the eleventh grade consists of five classes, XI IPAI, XI IPA2, XI IPA 3, XI IPS 1 and XI IPS 2 with calculated 148 students. In taking sample, the researcher used random sampling technique. Here, the researcher got class XI IPS 1. In taking the data, the researcher used instrument was reading test.   
From pre test was gotten the mean score of pre test was 63.46 with 11.24, standard deviation, after doing treatment in four meetings, the students were given post test. The mean scores of post test were 73.14 with 8.168 standar deviation. The data were analyzed by using ttest and SPSS versi 15. From the calculation of the result of the test, it was found that tcalculated 2.84 and ttable 1.671 with p = 0.05 and degree freedom 54. So it mean tcalculted was higher than ttable . It means that there was a significant difference between pre test and post test.
So, can be concluded that by using this strategy students could understand narrative text easily. Therefore, English teacher at senior high school was suggested to use story face strategy.



MUNASTI 406.625   Keefektifan strategi story face terhadap  pemahaman siswa dalam membaca naratif teks di kelas XI SMAN 2 Koto XI Tarusan

Pembimbing: 1) Dr. Martin Kustati. M.Pd
2) Hidayat Al Azmi. M.Pd

           Membaca merupakan salah satu keahlian penting yang harus dimiliki oleh seorang pelajar, karena dengan membaca siswa dapat memperluas ilmu pengetahuan atau wawasan mereka. Banyak siswa yang malas untuk membaca bacaan yang berupa naratif atau dongeng karena mereka susah untuk memahami tentang isi dari materinya serta unsur-unsur yang ada didalamnya. Untuk itu peneliti akan mengenalkan suatu strategi membaca untuk anak SMA yaitu dengan menggunakan Strategy Story Face, dimana siswa akan cepat memahami struktur naratif teks dalam waktu yang singkat.
            Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan apakah strategi story face efektif untuk membantu siswa memahami naratif teks. Strategi story face ini diharapkan dapat membantu siswa memahami naratif teks.  
Peneliti menerapkan strategi ini di SMA N 2 Koto XI Tarusan. Metode penelitiannya adalah pre eksperimen. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas sebelas, kelas sebelas ini terdiri dari 5 kelas, XI IPAI, XI IPA2, XI IPA 3, XI IPS 1 dan XI IPS 2 dengan jumlah siswa 148 orang. Dalam pengambilan sample, peneliti menggunakan teknik random sampling. Dalam pemilihan ini didapatkan kelas XI IPS 1. Dalam pengambilan data, peneliti menggunakan instrument yaitu reading test.
Dari pre-test diperoleh nilai rata-rata kelas eksperimental 63.46 dengan standar deviasi 11.24, setelah selesai pre-test diadakan treatment empat kali pertemuan. Kemudian siswa kembali diberikan post-test dengan hasil nilai rata-rata siswa 73.14 dengan standar deviasi 8.168. Proses pengolahan data dilakukan berdasarkan rumus t-test dan SPSS versi 15. Dari hasil pengolahan data tersebut diperoleh bahwa thitung  adalah 2.84 dan ttable1.671 dengan p = 0.05 dan derajat kebebasan 54.Itu berarti bahwa thitung  lebih besar dari ttable.. Itu berarti bahwa ada perbedaan yang significant antara pre test and post test.
Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan strategi ini siswa dapat dengan mudah memahami bacaan teks naratif. Oleh karena itu, guru bahasa Inggris pada sekolah lanjutan tingkat atas disarankan untuk menggunakan strategi story face ini.    

ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................    i
ABSTRAK  ....................................................................................................    ii
TABLE OF CONTENT ...............................................................................    iii
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................    v
LIST OF APPENDICES ..............................................................................    vi

A.      Background of the Problem ...........................................    1
B.      Identification of the Problem .........................................    6
C.      Limitation of the Problem ..............................................    7
D.     Formulation of the Problem ............................................    7
E.      Purpose of the Study ......................................................    7
F.       Significance of the Study ...............................................    8
G.     Definition of the Key Terms ..........................................    8

A.    The Nature of Reading Comprehension ..........................  10
1. Definition of Reading Comprehension .......................  10
2. Teaching Reading Comprehension ..............................  17
3. The Nature of Story Face Strategy ..............................  19
4. The Procedure of  Story Face Strategy of Teaching
     Reading ......................................................................  20
5. Narrative Text ..............................................................  21
6. The Advantages of Story Face ....................................  26
B.     The Conceptual Framework ...........................................  28
C.     Riview of releted Study .................................................  29
D.    Hypothesis ......................................................................  30

A.  Design of the Research ..................................................  31
B.  Population and Sample ..................................................  32
1. Population ...................................................................  32
2. Sample ........................................................................  37
C.  Place and Time of Research ...........................................  37
D.  Procedure of Research ...................................................  38
E.   Instrument ......................................................................  40
F.   Technique of Data Collections .......................................  47
G.  Technique of Data Analysis ...........................................  48

A.  Research Finding ...........................................................  51
1.      The Effect of Story Face in Teaching Reading .......  51
2.      Analysis of Data ......................................................  51
3.      Hyphotesis Testing ...................................................  59
B.  Discussion ......................................................................  58

A.  Conclusions ....................................................................  60
B.   Sugestion .......................................................................  61



Table 1
The Score of MID Semester Examination Academic Year 2012/2013................................................................................

Table 2
Group Pre Test-Post Test.........................................................
Table 3
Total Populasi at Senior High School (SMAN) 2 Koto XI Tarusan ...................................................................................

Table 4
Procedure of Research.............................................................
Table 5
Blue Print of Reading Test......................................................
Table 6
Estimating of Reliability Coefficient of Reading Comprehension Test (Try Out)................................................

Table 7
The Calculation of Deviation Standard of Pre Test................
Table 8
The Calculation of Deviation Standard of Post test ..............
Table 9
The total Score of Pre test and Post Test ...............................


Appendix 1
The score MID Semester Examination Academic Year 2012/2013

Appendix 2
The Normality Population

Appendix 3
The Homogenity Population

Appendix 4
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran

Appendix 5
Reading Test

Appendix 6
Key Answer of Reading Test

Appendix 7
Blue Print of Reading

Appendix 8
Reading Test Try Out

Appendix 9
Key Answer of Reading Test (Try Out)

Appendix 10
Estimating of Coefficient of Reading Comprehension Test (Try Out)

Appendix 11
The Calculation of Deviation Standard of Pre test

Appendix 12
The Calculation of Deviation Standard of Post test

Appendix 13
Pre-test and Post-test Score in Pre-experimental Class of  Fort Year of SMAN 2 Koto XI Tarusan 2012/2013

Appendix 14
t-test Score of Pre test and Post test

Appendix 15
Sample of Story Face

Appendix 16
Narrative Text

Appendix 17
Students Activity


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