Jumat, 20 Mei 2016


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1.1.   The Background of the Problem
In doing communication the speaker does not only consider about what he/she talks about, and also message in the communication and the how the utterance used by speaker. Communication is a process of transmitting and receiving idea, information, and message, it refers to the complex of symbolic process at word in human community (Crane, etc. 1981:3). In which the production and exchanging of meaning, communication is present to illustrate the using of language popular by the people. Yet, what we say, and great deal   of what the communication is determined by our social relationship.
In addition, the speakers should consider the choice of word, and the ways, one of is politeness. This communication is marked by the kind of utterance which used in a conversation, the successful communication determined by politeness factor in using language. It is a relationship of the speaker and listener. Politeness gives priority to the speaker intention and the role of addressee to become important. Although much oh theory of politeness discuss by the people, however, this theory decided interested to discuss.
There are two types of communication that can be applied while someone communication with other. In other word, communication can be performed in oral and written. In general, however, in sharing information or expressing the message to another people tends to use oral spoken language. It means speaking is considered by the easiest way to communication.
As a foreign language English not only for students’ academic aspect to get good mark but also for communication tool in work world after school. In learning English, there are four integrated skills that the student learns, those are listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and beside that the students also learn the structure or grammar of English. According to Lado (1961: 240) stated that speaking ability is describe as the ability to express oneself in life situation or the ability to report acts or situation precise words, or the ability to converse or to express a sequence of idea fluency.
Politeness in appreciate of the speaker to show his on her friend, distance, relation, save self image or losing face. Politeness is an expression of concern to other people's feelings. Linguistically, polite involves a highly complex mixture of appropriate words, grammar, intonation, and tone of voice. Expression of speakers’ intention to mitigate face threats carried by certain face threatening acts towards another being polite therefore consists of attempting to save face for another. (Mills, 2003: 3)
Generally, the standardization of politeness is based on the standard norm which happens in a civilization that is why the people should be polite and try to use the polite utterance to others utterance can be polite in social environment but it will be complete in the other places. It is influenced by the different value of norm. It is determines by the people in which the utterance to take place, to whom the utterance is addressed and the purpose of the utterance. Therefore, the speaker should understand the social norm in the place of the speaker to make the utterance appropriate when it is used.
Additionally, to make utterances relevant when doing communication, one way is doing politeness strategy. Politeness strategies are employed in a given situation and determined by the factors such as the social distance of the addressor and addressee, the relative power of the participants, and absolute ranking of imposition in the particular culture. (Yule, 1996: 61). The function to control and consider what speaker should talk to a person if speaker utter something to a person and to save self image and save facial expression the listener. So, a person will be careful by using their utterance in doing communication.
Will be studied deeply, in this movie using politeness strategies, this movie the speaker minimize and do not minimize hearer face, distance, indirect, and relation. And these themes of movie about phenomenon utterance happen in civilization.
In this movie, the research analyzes how the utterance used Politeness strategy by the actor and functions to describe mean of utterance, is the speaker or listener to save self image or losing face in Ace Ventura Junior Pet Detective. And the fact, phenomenon above appears in Ace Ventura Junior Pet detective Movie.

Timing       : 00:02:58-00:03:00
Setting      : In Zoo
The conversation
Ace             : Hey, Mom! Look what I found
Mom           : Ace Irwin Ventura, get out of that habitat and away from that man-eating alligator this instant!
Ace             : ok

Based on statement above, it can be seen that, it is example happen between Ace and him mom in the zoo, when the Ace under arrests a mouse and him enter the crocodile pen, and him mom found him in there, and him say get out of that It is bald on record, because the hearer do not attempt minimize the hearer face.
Based on the statement above, the research is focus on Politeness strategy in pragmatic approach. The research chooses this movie because character (actor) speaker or listener to save self image or losing face.
Based on statement above the writer has great interest to analyze politeness strategy and take the data from Ace Ventura Junior pet detective movie. So, the writer adjusts COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES AS FOUND IN ACE VENTURA JUNIOR PET DETECTIVE as the thesis title.

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