Jumat, 20 Mei 2016

approach to students’ writing competence at grade VIII Junior High School students in SMP N 3 Nan Sabaris

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Emil Nadia Putri. 2009. Applying Teaching Learning Cycle Based on Genre Approach to Increase Students’ Writing Competence. (A Classroom Action Research at Class VIII.3 of Junior High School 3 Nan Sabaris Pariaman)
Advisor: 1) Besral, S.Pd, M.Pd
                2) Dra. Elismawati, M.Pd
            This research was an action research. The goal of this research was to find out whether the students’ competence in writing could be improve by applying teaching learning cycle based on genre approach. The participant of this research were students of class VIII.3 in 2008/2009 academic year at SMPN 3 Nan Sabaris Pariaman, and one of the English teacher who helped the researcher as the collaborator. The researcher did a preliminary study by observing the teaching learning process in the class and evaluating the students’ writing (class VIII.3) before doing this research. It was found that the students did not have sufficient capability in writing.
The researcher also gave pre-test to the students to know the prior students’ ability in writing descriptive text. From the result of pre-test, it was found that the students’ essay in descriptive text was not good enough (mean score = 51, 4). Therefore, it was important to find the new alternative ways in teaching writing. This research consisted of two cycles.
On the first cycle, the researcher applied the Building Knowledge of Field (BKOF) to help the students develop their vocabularies and English structure in writing consisting of planning, action, observation, and reflection. During the first cycle, the researcher found that the students were better than before in vocabularies and structure, but their writing was not good. There were so many problems and difficulties faced by the students in writing descriptive text, even the teacher had explained about the generic structure of the text. The problems were the students did not know what to write, and how to write. Therefore, the researcher needed to continue the research at the second cycle.
            The second cycle was done after doing the reflection and re-planning. In this cycle, the researcher did more improvement in teaching by giving more variation of modeling of text and divided the students into several groups (MOT and JCOT activities). Based on the post test, it was found that the students’ ability in writing descriptive text was better than the result in the first cycle (from 65,88 to 72,46).
Dealing with the research findings, it is recommended that the English teachers apply genre-based approach in teaching learning process. Because by applying teaching learning cycle based on genre approach can help the students to solve their difficulties in writing, and it also teaching learning process in another skill, such as: listening, speaking and reading. In applying this teaching learning cycle based on genre approach the teacher should be more creative, innovative, and communicative, so the students are more interested in the teaching learning process. 

This thesis is aimed at fulfilling one of the requirements in order to complete S1 program at the English Department in Tarbiyah Faculty IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang. The title of this thesis is “Applying Teaching Learning Cycle Based on Genre Approach to Increase Students’ Writing Competence”.
In finishing this thesis, the researcher got a lot of help and guidance from many lecturers. First of all, the researcher would like to express her sincere gratitude and appreciation to her advisors, Besral S.Pd, M.Pd, and Ms. Dra. Elismawati, M.Pd, for his professional helps, valuable suggestions, command, correction, and times to support the researcher in completing this thesis.
Then the researcher would like to thank the Dean of Tarbiyah Faculty of IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang and all the staff members of the faculty. The researcher also extends her gratitude to the head of English Department as well as his lecture who taught her during her study.
The researcher would also like to express her gratitude to Ms. Nurhidayah, S.Pd (English teacher of SMPN 3 Nan Sabaris Pariaman) for her permission and opportunity to carry out the research, and to the students in class VIII.3 of SMPN 3 Nan Sabaris Pariaman in academic year 2008/2009 for their participation in the research.
The researcher realized that this thesis may be having several weaknesses.  Therefore, any comment and suggestion, and criticism are expected to come up, in order to make a great one.

Padang, January 2009
                                                                                                    The Researcher

  Emil Nadia Putri


ABSTRACT................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT........................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................ iii
LIST OF TABLE.......................................................................................... v
TABLE OF APPENDICES........................................................................ vii
  1. Background Of The Problem.............................................................. 1
  2. Identification Of The Problem ........................................................... 5
  3. Limitation Of The Problem................................................................. 6
  4. Formulation Of The Problem............................................................... 6
  5. Purpose Of The Study........................................................................ 6
  6. Significance Of The Study.................................................................. 7
  7. Definition Of Key Terms.................................................................... 8
  1. Theoretical Framework........................................................................ 9
    1. Concept of Writing.................................................................. 9
    2. The Nature of Genre............................................................... 11
    3. Concept of Teaching Descriptive Writing.............................. 16
    4. Nature of Text and Context................................................... 19
    5. Genre-based Approach .......................................................... 20
    6. The Teaching Learning Process in KTSP............................... 22
  2. Reformulation of the Problem............................................................ 28
  3. Relevance Study................................................................................. 28
  4. Conceptual Framework...................................................................... 30
  1. Kind of the Research.......................................................................... 32
  2. Setting................................................................................................ 32
  3. Procedures of the Research................................................................ 33
  4. Participants......................................................................................... 37
  5. Instrument.......................................................................................... 39
  6. Technique Of Data Collection............................................................ 41
  7. Technique Of Data Analysis.............................................................. 41
  1. Findings.............................................................................................. 45
    1. First Cycle.............................................................................. 47
    2. Second Cycle.......................................................................... 54
  1. Discussion........................................................................................... 58
  1. Conclusions........................................................................................ 62
  2. Recommendations.............................................................................. 63


1.  The Students’ Mean Score in Writing Descriptive text in Pre-Cycle........ 46
2.  The Percentage of Students’ Work Analyzing in Pre-Cycle ..................... 46
3.      The Students’ Mean Score in Writing Descriptive Text in the First Cycle 51
4.      The Percentage of Students’ Work Analyzing in the First Cycle............ 52
5.      The Students’ Mean score in Writing Descriptive Text in the Second Cycle      56
6.      The Percentage of Students’ Work Analyzing in the Second Cycle........ 57
7.      The Students’ Mean Score From Pre-Cycle, Cycle I, and Cycle II......... 59

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