Jumat, 20 Mei 2016

“The Use of Translating Strategy in Improving students` Reading Comprehension in Narrative Text Lansat KadapRao (Pasaman )”

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A.  Background of the problem
Reading is something crucial and indispensable for the students, because the success   of their study depends on the greater part of their ability to read. If their reading ability is poor they are very likely to fail in their study or at least they will have difficulty in making progress. On the other hand, if they have good ability in reading, they will have a better chance to succeed in their study.
In practice, reading the students are expected to be able to develop their comprehension and understand the massage provided by the writer in reading text. Reading comprehension is a complex cognitive process of decoding symbols in order to construct of derive meaning (Brown, 1994:55) .Reader will get knowledge, information, ideas, tips, sequence of events, and detail. Reading also makes one build connection between words and thought.
Reading is an important language skill that should be mastered by the students for Elementary School up to University learned for having communicative competence. Based on curriculum 2006, the purpose of teaching English is to develop students’ ability in term of the four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing). The aims of treat reading atJunior High School is to understand the meaning of short functional text and essay focuses on narrative, report, and analytical exposition form to improve students’ knowledge and are accepted in daily life.                                                     According to Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP) 2006, there are twelve genres of the text which are taught in Islamic Senior High School: procedure, descriptive, recount, narrative, report, news item, hortatory, exposition, analytical exposition, spoof, explanation, discussion, and review text. Among the twelve genres, some texts are being taught in class VIII of Junior High School level. One of them is narrative text. Base on based competency, narrative text taught in class VIII of Junior High School at the second semester.
From the reason above, English becomes important subject in the school. Now, learning English have started from kindergarten and elementary school. It is done to introduce English to the students earlier. So, they have to know about English earlier and they can study it easily in the text level of education because they have been studied it before.
Addition, reading is one of the most important parts of language   in the word .it is widely used as a means of communication bypeople who come from different countries. They use it when communicate each other in their activities such as in education, industry, trading and social community. Many books as sources of knowledge are written in English .moreover, many television programs as sources of information and as sources of entertainment are in English too. Realizing these important roles of English, most people in the world learn English either as a second language or as a foreign language.

In Indonesia, English as a foreign language is one of compulsory subject is that must be learned in School. Before 1994 curriculum was applied, English was only thought fro Junior High School. Since then, it has been taught from Elementary School up To University level.
English language  earners should achieved  the four skills because  without having the four skill it makes the communication  not run well.one of them is reading . it is one of them is reading. It one of the four skills that involve several aspects. They are vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciations. In other words, it can be divided into reading aloud and reading comprehension. It also involves the reader`s background knowledge of English.
However, teaching method issomething important to discuss. A provisional teachershould choose an applicable one to use. She / he will not be successful in this or her teaching if she / he does not applysuitablemethod ofteaching. The student`s usually get bored when the teacher then which a method that cannot motivate them to learn. In conventional teaching, the teacher only writes the material on whiteboard and asks the student`s to take note.
The students must have knowledge of the meaning of individual word in order to get meaning from sentence paragraph, or while selection. in relation to the reader`s purpose reading comprehension can be devised into three levels (Kustaryo, 1998:12) stated that:
a.       Literal reading as an action is to get the ideas and fact that are stated directly on the printed
b.      Infection:
This kind or reading activity is to get the ideas and fact that are stated directly on the protect
c.       Critical reading
This activity usually involves questioning, comparing and evaluating from the all of the    theory above. It can conclude that reader should have more knowledge of the read and of the vocabulary and structure of target language.

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